New York City, the epicenter of art, culture, and design, is home to some of the world’s most discerning clientele. In this dynamic metropolis, where very square foot is precious, the role of an interior designer is nothing short of transformative. Among the city’s elite, one name shins brightly: Studio J. Kessler. With a commitment to innovation, sophistication, and personalized design, Studio J.  Kessler has earned its reputation as one of  best interior designers in NYC. Join us on a journey through the world of interior designer  as we explore the remarkable work of Studio J. Kessler. 

Why is Interior design important?

Interior design plays a pivotal role in our lives, impacting our well-being and the functionality of spaces. It goes beyond aesthetics, encompassing the crucial aspect. Thoughtful design ensures that spaces are comfortable and functional, optimising the use of available space. In a well-designed workspace, productivity can soar,  thanks to efficient layouts and ergonomic considerations. 

Interior design allows individuals to express their personalities and preferences through their surroundings. Properly designed spaces can promote mental and emotional well-being, reducing stress and enhancing quality of life. Good design can significantly raise the value of a property, making it a wise investment. 

The Essence of Studio J. Kessler

Studio J. Kessler, led by the visionary designer Jacqueline Kessler, has been setting new standards of luxury and style in the interior design industry. With a legacy that spans years of impeccable projects and delighted clients, Jacqueline Kessler is a force to be reckoned with in the world of interior design.

A Commitment to Personalization

What sets Studio J. Kessler apart is its unwavering commitment to personalization. Every project is a unique canvas, and Jacqueline Kessler and her team ensure that the client’s vision, personality, and lifestyle are seamlessly woven into the design. The result is spaces that not only look stunning but also feel like a true reflection of the client, making Studio J. Kessler a standout interior designer in Phoenix.

Exploring Studio J.  Kessler’s Interior Design Excellence

  1. Residential Bliss

Studio J. Kessler’s expertise extends to residential interiors, where homes are transformed into havens of comfort and style. From luxurious penthouse s to elegant brownstones, our portfolio showcases a diverse range of residential projects that leave a lasting impression. 

  • Commercial Chic

The studio’s commercial designs are equally impressive, enhancing the functionality and aesthetic appeal of commercial spaces. Whether it’s a sleek corporate office or a vibrant restaurant, Studio J. Kessler brings innovation and sophistication to every project.

  • Bespoke Furnishings

Recognizing the importance of bespoke furnishings in elevating a design, Studio J. Kessler offers custom furniture and décor solutions. These pieces are crafted with precision, ensuring they complement the overall design while adding a unique touch. 

  • Sustainable Practices

Studio J. Kessler is dedicated to sustainable design practices, incorporating eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient solutions wherever possible. This commitment not only benefits the environment but also enhances the long-term value of the spaces they create.

  • Innovative Technology

Embracing the latest technology, the studio employs cutting-edge tools for visualisation and project management. This ensures that clients have a clear understanding of the design concept and progress at every stage of the project. 

The Benefits of Choosing Studio J. Kessler

  • Personalized Approach

Studio J. Kessler’s dedication to personalization means that clients receive designs that resonate with their tastes and preferences. It’s a partnership that ensures the client’s vision is brought to life. 

  • Expertise and Experience

With years of experience and a portfolio of successful projects, Studio J. Kessler brings a wealth of expertise to every design endeavor. Our experience translates into design solutions that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional. 

  • Attention to Detail

Our studio’s meticulous attention to detail is evident in every aspect of our work. From the selection of materials to the placement of furnishings, no detail is too small to escape their scrutiny. 

  • Commitment to Sustainability

Studio J. Kessler’s commitment to sustainable design ensures that clients have the option to create environmentally responsible spaces without compromising on style or luxury. 

  • Innovative Designs

The studio’s innovative approach to design means that clients can expect spaces that are not only beautiful but also incorporate the latest trends and design concepts. 


In the world of interior design, Studio J. Kessler stands as a testament to innovation, personalization, and excellence. With a portfolio that includes some of NYC’s most iconic residences and commercial spaces, Jacqueline Kessler and her team continue to redefine the boundaries of design. If you are looking to elevate your space to new heights of sophistication and style in Phoenix or New York, Studio J. Kessler is the destination for a truly transformative interior design experience. Your dream space awaits, where innovation meets personalization in perfect harmony with the unique flair of a standout interior designer in Phoenix.